Sunday, November 16, 2014

There's No Magic For Weight Loss

First, let me say that this post is not to bash anyone who sells the popular weight loss products.


All day long you'll see posts about this weight loss pill, shake, etc boasting that it gives results like none other. (And you can retire and move to the Bahamas if you sell them, but that's another story!) Pictures are even posted of the fabulous results that people are getting from them. Sure it all looks awesome and seems like the answer to all your weight loss problems. I've even seen a few that say you don't have to exercise.

So suppose they do produce results like those seen in the pictures and promised in the posts. Say you do lose 10, 20, or 100 pounds. Once you hit your goal what do you do? If you stop taking the pills and drinking the shakes, and you start eating real food, eventually you're gonna go back to those unhealthy eating habits and the pounds and inches suddenly reappear.

You wanna know why? I'll tell you. I'm glad you asked. It happens because you never kicked those bad eating habits. You never retrained your brain. Weight loss is just as much, if not more, mental as it is physical. Also, fast results result in even faster gaining it back.

There's also a lot of programs that promise to help you but honestly they're expensive and once you stop eating their prepackaged foods (prepackaged = so packed with preservatives and other bad stuff that they can't be good for you in the long run) you're gonna be back to square one like with the pills and shakes.

I don't include Weight Watchers in this though because even though I've never tried it I believe they're onto something. They've been around forever so they must be doing something right. They do change a little from time to time but I think it's just to keep up with the changing times.

Gimmicks just don't work.

Weight loss surgery is great. I have several friends who have had wonderful success and have kept the weight off. But I also have some who regained the weight and then some because they went in with the assumption that this was gonna be a magical cure. 

Bottomline: train your brain while you train your body!

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