Thursday, November 13, 2014

Be prepared for injuries, plateaus, and other setbacks

First off I want to send some magic healing dust to my friend, Kristin, who is having surgery today. I hope you heal up quickly so you can get back to kicking butt in the gym soon!

Many times I've talked about how great the Leslie Sansone Walk DVDs are. And I still believe that her Walk DVDs were and continue to be a big part of my success. One day, about 6 months into this journey as I was doing a walk DVD I felt a horrible pain in my right foot and heel. I tried to keep going but I had to stop. I ended up going to the ER and the diagnosis was plantar fasciitis. To this day I continue to suffer with it (off and on) and a heel spur.

Injuries are gonna happen. But that's not your bodies way of telling you that you should give up. You just have to give your body time to heal. 

Plateaus. Plateaus are when you get to a certain weight and just hover there for weeks. I've hit them several times during this journey. Like injuries, they're gonna happen. I think that your body gets used to the diet and exercise and falls into a rut. What has worked for me is bumping up the calories slightly just to give your metabolism a little kick start. By an increase in calories I don't mean that you should eat cheeseburgers daily. Just bump it up a little and you'll see results soon.

We're humans and setbacks are gonna happen. If you're out in the working world, there may be times when you're putting in long hours at work. If you're a parent, kids get sick, requiring all of your attention. You may have a loved one that needs your help through surgery or an illness. Something may happen along the way that will require your undivided attention. It's okay. When things go back to normal get back to business.

Knowing these things will keep you from being disappointed or too hard on yourself when it does happen.

Today's bonus: This is a somewhat simple 30 day challenge that me and a few friends are doing. Today is day 6 for me.

I'm definitely feeling it in my thighs today! And the thighs are just where I need it right now.

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