You don't have to be stressed out. Stress can cause excess eating because we use food for comfort. Rest assured that you do NOT have to deprive yourself during the holidays or any other time of the year.
Since I started my journey I have preached portion control. You do not have to skip on the foods you love.
It's been proven time and time again that if you deprive yourself of the things you love, when you do finally give in you'll give in big time and then you'll feel even worse about that.
Never once, whether it's been the holidays or cheat days, have I ever felt deprived and surprisingly to some I've managed to lose 148 pounds.
When you're filling your plate at holiday gatherings, you don't have to take large portions of everything. Small spoonfuls of everything you love is fine because once you've nibbled a little of this and that you'll start feeling full and if you listen to your brain, you won't eat until you're miserable. And even if you do, it's just one day.
One meal or even a day of meals of making poor choices is NOT going to sabotage your progess. I can't stress this enough.
This is from my Timehop 4 years ago:
Four years ago I was saying it and I still say it today.
So yeah, eat small amounts of the foods you like. Go take a walk afterwards. You do not have to deprive yourself at all. You don't have to gobble til you wobble but please don't deprive yourself.
Happy Thanksgiving!