Sunday, June 5, 2016

Weigh In June 4 2016

I'm a little behind posting this, it's been a busy weekend of being lazy. I was a little surprised when I got on the scales Saturday morning. I really expected to see a gain. I've been eating all the good healthy stuff, drinking water, too, but because of excruciating pain in my right knee (which I believe is from an injury that didn't heal properly two years ago) and swelling in my right ankle (the one that I sprained in the cemetery a year ago) I just thought letting my body rest was something that I needed to do. And I told myself all week that even if I gained a little weight from lack of exercise, it was okay because my body needed some downtime. I stepped on the scales and this was what I saw:

It's very encouraging to see the numbers on the scale going down. It's even more encouraging to see that total lost going up. I've lost the equivalent of a teenager!

It's officially Monday, so I'm going to say have a happy week!