Saturday, April 23, 2016

Weigh In Day

Warning: TMI ahead. Last week, if you'll remember, I posted that Aunt Flo was very late. Well, around Monday or Tuesday of this week I also realized that my bathroom habits had became somewhat irregular and I'm one that normally can go on command. So, I changed up some of my foods because I do not like taking laxatives because they tend to overwork me and cause horrible cramps. I'm glad to say that problem os resolved and after being 27 days late for Aunt Flo,  that is resolved to.

With those situations resolved, I'm glad to say, I lost 3.4 pounds this week!

There are so many things with the human body that can throw off weight loss, and that's why, like I said on Wednesday's post, I only weigh in once a week.

Have a great weekend!

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