Tuesday, January 20, 2015


So, I've been at this weight loss thing for 4.5 years. When I started this journey I had no idea that I would still be working on getting to my goal weight after all this time.

Was it a waste of time? No, not at all. When I started this I weighed 375 pounds. As of my last weigh in, I've lost 143 pounds. It definitely hasn't been a waste of time. 

Do I have any regrets? Yes. I regret not starting this effort many years ago. I really hate that I've spent most of my adult life as a morbidly obese person. But you know what? The rest of my life is going to be spent as a healthy person.

I've hit some snags along the way. I've had several injuries that have kept me inactive. The day before Christmas Eve, Mark came home and I was gonna help him bring stuff in from the car that he had bought while Christmas shopping after work. I stepped out onto our front porch. My left leg went forward but my right leg decided it wanted to go behind me. I landed on my leg, with my back landing on the doorstep. I sprained my ankle and had other boo boos. My ankle still swells daily.

And illnesses. I've had more than my share of those. Just in the past 3 months I've had the flu twice. 

But the biggest snag was losing my willpower. If you've followed my progress over these past 4.5 years, you remember how I never backed down, I had a ton of determination, I just got out there and did it. I lost it though. And I want it back. I miss it and it belongs to me. 😉

I do have new inspiration though. A date hasn't been set yet but Mark and I are getting married. You already know that but it's my new inspiration. Mark sees me everyday in this body but on the day that we say "I do" I want to look better than I've looked my entire life.

Yes, I've said since day one that it's not about looks, it's about my health. Well, it still is but now it's so much more. 

And no, to those of you picking this post apart, he's never once complained about my looks, weight, etc. He loves me 100%, 24/7, 365.

Let's do this!